This blog details my story leading to a penile implant (IPP). Anyone that has questions or concerns feel free to contact me.
My story I call "One Mans Journey" is in the January archive.

If you would like to tell your story email it to me and I will be glad to post it.


Friday, June 5, 2015


I was chatting with a gentleman that Dr. Milam did his implant last May. Like so many of us his wife was not thrilled with the prospect of him having implant surgery. There is so much on the internet about implants that is false or problems due to the surgery being done by less than qualified doctors.
His wife told him if it would make him happy to go ahead. She went with him for his consultation and Dr. Milam answered her questions, still she was skeptical. He went ahead and had the surgery.
He told me the other night his wife told him how thrilled she was he went ahead and had the implant. It has renewed there love live. They were talking about before he started having problems and now and she told him he felt just the same now as before he started having problems. They are both thrilled with the outcome.
For myself my wife and I had about the same talk. I told her I was doing it for us, she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes, as only she can, and I had to admit I was doing it for myself. She said that is what she wanted to hear and go ahead.  After I had the implant for a few months I asked her how I felt to her now. She said I feel the same as I always did. It is like we became young lovers again.
A 24 year old single young man had an implant for peyroies with hour glassing and venous leakage. He was so afraid that the girls would reject him he did not try to date for several months. At about 16 months a old girlfriend came back into his life and basically seduced him. He called me just as he was going to the motel to meet her and asked me what should he do. I told him to just be yourself and put her butt on a pillow for sex. About an hour and a half later he called back on top of the world. He said she told him he was the best she ever had and had 4 orgasms. She also admitted to being with about 8 men since she last saw him. About 2 weeks later she went back to her husband "for sake of the kids."
That weekend he meet another girl at a local club an set up a date for the next night. That evening they were sitting on the couch and she started trying to get into his pants. He told her WHOA there is something you need to know. She asked what? He told her he was BIONIC. She asked what that meant. He had made up a story about a 4 wheeler accident and told her he was in an accident and had to have an implant. She told him she wanted to be with him anyway. The next morning he called me again on top of the world. She also told him he was the best she ever had, even her former boyfriend with a 9" penis.  He has also been with several other girls and all have told him they enjoyed the sex with him.
I also know another gentleman that was divorced after he got his implant. He started dating and has been with about 11 other women. None turned him down and all were happy with the sex.
Now because of my cancer treatments I have lost almost over 60 pounds. The first of the year I was about 235 pounds. Dr. Milam told me at my one year check up that if I lost 20-30 pounds I would gain about another inch. I'm now 170 pounds and sure enough I have gained over an inch in length. My wife and I were talking and she said I still feel the same as before that the length did not matter. The fact is women get the most pleasure from foreplay an penile girth.  


This story is about the worst case of botched implants I know of. 

A gentleman from North Carolina contacted me some time ago about what to expect. He was having an implant by a surgeon at a North Carolina VA hospital. It was done by a new surgeon. His first problem was the pump was stitched so high he could not use it. The doctor refused to help telling him everything was fine. The pump should never be stitched down!
Long story. He has now had 9, yes nine, implant attempts. Some at VA hospitals and some at outside hospitals and doctors the VA sent him to. He battled the VA from the first bad implant trying to get them to send him to Dr. Douglas Milam at Vanderbilt.
He finally got to Dr. Milam this week. To say he has a lot of surgical damage is an understatement. The last doctor, in Alabama, even cut his suspensory ligament, but denies it.
I can't tell you all the emotional and physical damage this has caused him.
Dr. Milam gave him hope of a usable erection. He will have surgery in September. A perfect result is not possible because of the botched 9 surgeries over the last 3+- years.

A lot of Dr. Milam's practice is helping men that other doctors messed up. Now Dr. Milam is the only doctor in the world that can help him.

Conclusion: Make sure the doctor you use does about 100 implants a year. Watch out on the internet about doctors with unrealistic claims and use pictures of  "well endowed" men to show results of there work. We all these doctors "self promoters."    

On a personal note: It has been about 7 years since my implant. It is still working well.
I am still fighting the effect of lung cancer. Right now it is in remission. I'm on a chemo break but still very anemic and weak. I miss my energy. Since February 2014 I have had 16 chemo's and 6 units of blood. At one point I lost 70 pounds but have regained to 195 and hope to stay there. The Murino has helped with my apatite. My main meal of the day is now breakfast.  My wife and I prepare breakfast together every morning. We have learned to "dance around" each other as I do one thing and she another.

I am not currently on any of the forums but still respond to emails. If you have questions I will be more than happy to respond, it may take me a few days, depending on how I feel.

My email is
